Planning Application WSCC/021/19/AR

New SearchComment on this application — The date set for comments has passed. Any comments made now we may not be able to consider.

  • Application Number
  • Status
    Application Pending a Decision
  • Location
    Fulling Mill Farmhouse, Selsfield Road, Ardingly, Haywards Heath, West Sussex, RH17 6TJ
  • Proposal
    Infilling of a hollow to restore garden land
  • Date Valid
  • Deadline for Comments
  • Determination Date
  • Applicant's Name
    Paul Wilson
  • Agent's Name
    Batcheller Monkhouse
  • District
    Mid Sussex
  • Parish
  • County Councillor
  • Case Officer
    Chris Bartlett

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Application Documents
Site Location Plan - Garden Hollow.pdf (1795 kb) Location Plan 19/02/2019
Sheet 3 - Topo Survey - Garden.pdf (801 kb) Plans or Drawings 19/02/2019
Sheet 2 - Topo Survey - Garden.pdf (352 kb) Plans or Drawings 19/02/2019
Sheet 1 - Topo Survey - Garden.pdf (148 kb) Plans or Drawings 19/02/2019
Proposed Site Layout Plan - Garden Hollow.pdf (994 kb) Site Plan 19/02/2019
Existing Tree Schedule.pdf (429 kb) Supporting Documentation 19/02/2019
Existing and Proposed Sectional Plans for garden and field hollows.PDF (163 kb) Plans or Drawings 19/02/2019
Arboricultural Impact Assessment.pdf (849 kb) Supporting Documentation 19/02/2019
Tree Protection Plan - Garden.pdf (683 kb) Plan 19/02/2019
Construction Traffic Management Plan.pdf (3301 kb) Supporting Documentation 19/02/2019
Tree Constraints Plan - Garden.pdf (742 kb) Plan 19/02/2019
Planning Statement for garden hollow - January 2019.pdf (462 kb) Supporting Documentation 19/02/2019
Application Form.pdf (737 kb) Application Form 19/02/2019
Consultation Response
Environment Agency response.pdf (15 kb) Statutory Consultee Response 28/02/2019
WSCC Archaeology response.pdf (47 kb) Statutory Consultee Response 28/02/2019
